Robotics World

Monday 21 November 2016

Robot which can form “an emotional connection” with human

Sony is working on a domestic robot which can form “an emotional connection” with robots, it has been revealed.
The firm’s CEO, Kaz Hirai, said his designers are working to hard to produce a machinethat humans will “bond” with.
Speaking at the IFA tech conference, he said: “I’m happy to report that we are working hard to create a robot for your home that is not only capable of assisting you with everyday needs but is really capable of forming an emotional connection with all of you.
“You definitely want to stay tuned.”

Robot vacuuming living room
Futurologists say boring chores will be a thing of the past thanks to robots and tech (this picture does not show the Sony robot, which has not yet been revealed)

Of course, many humans will be unsettled by the idea of inviting a machine into their home.
Science fiction is full of stories about robots which go rogue and end up killing their owner.
Experts have also raised fears about the possibility of artificial intelligence becoming smarter than humans.
However, Hirai told Mirror Online this “shouldn’t be a concern”.
He said: “If Sony comes up with a robot for the house, is the AI involved in that going to be dangerous or not? Consumers ultimately decide.”
Unfortunately, there’s good evidence to suggest robots could make terrifying house guests.
You might like the sound of a world where robots do all the work whilst you sit back and sip pina coladas.
But Google staff have warned that domestic labour-saving machines could end up attacking their owners.
In a research paper, three of the tech giant’s top artificial intelligence experts explored what could go wrong when lazy humans let cleaning contraptions do all the hard work around their home.

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